Birds of Cebu and Bohol, Philippines
By Nilo Arribas (Author)
Quick Overview
USC Publishing House
NILO ARRIBAS JR. was born in Davao del Norte, southeastern part of the island of Mindanao, Philippines. His mother belongs to the Mansaka tribe, a local cultural minority group in Davao province. His father is from Bacolod City, in the island of Negros in Central Philippines. He grew up with the cultural influences of both parents with the traditional tribal practices and beliefs of his home province providing most of the essential foundation of his early naturalist disposition.
An enthusiastic birdwatcher, his passion for Philippine birds and wildlife has brought him to many areas and islands of the Philippines. His volunteer field work on wetland birds of Cebu and environs have received support from local and international organizations. The numerous trips he made to remote forest have yielded not a few rare and noteworthy data on Philippine avifauna.
BOBBY KINTANAR, Photography has been his hobby for the past years. It has been an on again, off again for him, but with the advent of Digital Photography, it became a very serious matter to this "Kodaker". Bobby is a true-blue Cebuano. Born and raised in the city of Cebu, with a wife whose roots partly come from Loon, Bohol. Hence, his interest in the birds of these islands. An Electronics and Communications Engineer by profession, he takes photos whenever the opportunity arises, but for the most part, his involvement in Wild Bird Photography started when he saw images of these winged beauties as presented by "The Legend" Romy Ocon, the man many consider to be the best ever Wild Bird Photographer in our neck of the woods, and whom Bobby is privileged to consider a great friend and mentor.
RAUL BENJAMIN PUENTESPINA, started being aware about the Philippines' fragile environment when he made science projects during his high school days more than twenty five years ago. Born in Cebu City, Philippines, Puentespina studied Commerce and Masters in Management (MMBM) at the University of San Carlos and the University of the Philippines-Cebu.