History of Western Architecture
By Winand Klassen (Author)
Quick Overview
HISTORY OF WESTERN ARCHITECTURE uses semiological approach to architecture from a designer's point of view. It is written primarily for students of architecture who intend to become practicing architects. The study of the history of architecture is understood as a means of becoming a better designer with a full awareness as to what architecture is all about. A serious attempt was to bring the history of Western architecture as up-to-date as possible in a single book which covers the architectural developments from its prehistoric beginnings to the present day. The book retains as an outline character. Only the more significant architectural achievements-- about 200-- have been chosen as examples but these have been described, analyzed and illustrated thoroughly in terms of Form, Function, Technic and Meaning.
USC Publishing House
978-971-97-0815-5 (hardbound)
Winand W. Klassen-- architectural historian; professor; architect of many buildings in the University of San Carlos; degree in architecture from the Catholic University of America; member of the society of the Divine Word (SVD); lecturer for the Goethe Institut in collaboration with the United Architects of the Philippines in Manila.
Winand Klassen's "Architecture in the Philippines: Filipino Building in a Cross Cultural Context" 1986 is cited in the 20th edition, the latest, of Sir Banister Fletcher's "History of Architecture" 1996. Klassen's 1986 is cited in more than 35 architectural publications.
Works: Church of Sts. Arnold and Joseph Retreat House; USC TC Dorms; Arnoldus Science Bldg.; Office of Populations Studies; all at USc Talamban Campus; Franziskushaus Convent; Atty. Jesus Garcia Jr. Residence and other private residences. Some of the buildings and residences Klassen designed were in collaboration with Architect Artemio S. Alcoseba, FUAP.
Other Publications: "History of Western Architecture: A Semiological Approach to Architecture from a Designer's Point of View" 1980 (a Korean translation is available); Architecture and Philosophy: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deconstruction" 1990; "Architecture, Gods and Mortals: Setting up a World in Flux and Plurality: 1994. Winand Klassen contributed art and architecture articles for the Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society.