History of Western Architecture
By Winand Klassen (Author)
Quick Overview
HISTORY OF WESTERN ARCHITECTURE uses semiological approach to architecture from a designer's point of view. It is written primarily for students of architecture who intend to become practicing architects. The study of the history of architecture is understood as a means of becoming a better designer with a full awareness as to what architecture is all about. A serious attempt was to bring the history of Western architecture as up-to-date as possible in a single book which covers the architectural developments from its prehistoric beginnings to the present day. The book retains as an outline character. Only the more significant architectural achievements-- about 200-- have been chosen as examples but these have been described, analyzed and illustrated thoroughly in terms of Form, Function, Technic and Meaning.
USC Publishing House
978-971-97-0815-5 (hardbound)
Winand W. Klassen-- architectural historian; professor; architect of many buildings in the University of San Carlos; degree in architecture from the Catholic University of America; member of the society of the Divine Word (SVD); lecturer for the Goethe Institut in collaboration with the United Architects of the Philippines in Manila.Winand Klassen's "Architecture in the Philippines: Filipino Building in a Cross Cultural Context" 1986 is cited in the 20th edition, the latest, of Sir Banister Fletcher's "History of Architecture" 1996. Klassen's 1986 is cited in more than 35 architectural publications.Works: Church of Sts. Arnold and Joseph Retreat House; USC TC Dorms; Arnoldus Science Bldg.; Office of Populations Studies; all at USc Talamban Campus; Franziskushaus Convent; Atty. Jesus Garcia Jr. Residence and other private residences. Some of the buildings and residences Klassen designed were in collaboration with Architect Artemio S. Alcoseba, FUAP.Other Publications: "History of Western Architecture: A Semiological Approach to Architecture from a Designer's Point of View" 1980 (a Korean translation is available); Architecture and Philosophy: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deconstruction" 1990; "Architecture, Gods and Mortals: Setting up a World in Flux and Plurality: 1994. Winand Klassen contributed art and architecture articles for the Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society.