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Eastscape: Sights and Spectacles to Marvel in Samar, Leyte

By Lucian Letaba (Author)


Quick Overview

Eastscape: Sight, Sites an Spectacles to Marvel in Samar, Leyte and Biliran is a 230-page, full color and easy-to-se travel to the six magnificient provinces in the islands of Leyte, Samar, and Biliran. Spread in nine chapters, it features selected great escapes and holiday adventures sorted into travel itineraries using local wind names: Habagat (West wind), Amihan (North Wind), Timog (South Wind) and Dumagsa (East Wind). In an attempt to present a more holistic showcase of the region's tourism landscape, other aspects of culture-- festivals, religion, food and creative industries-- are also highlighted for the reader to understand the context of his or her travel experience rather than just revel on sheer pleasure and relaxion.Eastscape is a term coined just for this book. It comes from three words: "East", which has geographic reference to eastern Visayas region: "cape", meaning a headland; and "escape" to get away from boredom and ennui of life. "Eastscape" combines the three words to connote your unforgettable getaway by spending it in eastern part of the Visayas.So hop in to great adventure that awaits you! Biyahe na!

230 pp.
USC Publishing House
Publication Date
10.25 x 9.25 inches


After gaining ample momentum in journalistic writing work from his debut book HAIYAN The Aftermath: Images and Stories of Recovery in Samar and Leyte, Lucien Letaba did not have any ambivalent thoughts in taking on the challenge when the offer from the University of San Carlos Press (now known as USC Publishing House) to write a second book came. While as a prolific and award-winning musician Lucien has made, for more than 30 years now, formidable niche in music writing for stage, TV, cinema and mainstream recording, the literary field has undoubtedly become his second passion and this new book Eastscape: Sight, Sites an Spectacles to Marvel in Samar, Leyte and Biliran is just another splinter of his artistic burgeoning and hence, a milestone to mark.Although his present preoccupation (writing) is not an altogether remote highway from the road from the road Lucien has been committedly trekking all his life, his love and pride of his birth land, Samar has always prompted him, with uninhibited Waraynon candor, to pursue projects that aim for cultural renaissance while addressing the need heritage preservation and through arts, redefine the identity of the Warays as a people in midst of challenges posed by nature, human apathy an social injustice.Lucien, who hails from the island municipality of Zumarranga, Samar has to date written close to 400 songs, a big number of which coming form various musicales in Winaray, Cebuano and Tagalog and a handful of movie music scoring projects. Convinced of having inherited the inequivocable Waray art genes, he has invariably contributed to the development of Waraynon culture most especially in the field of msuic and how in the literary realm that is fast resurging in the region.A graduate of Economics at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Lucien presently sits as a member of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)- National Committee on Music and is working on examplars for teaching music in the K to 12 and secondary curricula using Waray traditional and contemporary song forms in the mother tongue. An anthology of his own Winaray short stories of childhood memories is also in the offing.He has written workbooks in Microeconomics with Income Taxation and Learning Modules in Managerial Economics.`


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