A Brief Survey of What was and What is the Diocese of Cebu in the Philippines Island
By Fr. Felipe Redondo(author), Azucena L. Pace (translator) (Author)
Quick Overview
USC Publishing House
15.24 x 22.86 cm
Little is known or written about Fr. Felipe Redondo except that he was the secretary of Bishop Benito Romero de Madridejos (Bishop of Cebu, 1876-1885). Various canonical books still preserved in some parishes bear his signature as Visitado sent by the bishop during this period to inspect and audit parish records and inventories. Other than the "Breve Reseña", he also wrote the two-volume work entitled "Pastroles y demas disposiciones remitidas circuladas a los parrocs de esta Diocesis de Cebu por los Señores Obispos o sus Vicarios Generales para el buen gobierno de la Diocesis y tambien de las disposiciones remitidas por el Gobierno y comunicadas a los Parrocos y algunas otras de interes historico para gobierno y observancia del clero mandala imprimir para el archivo de cada Parroquia de su Diocesis." The book was published in 1884-1885 in Manila by Establecimiento Tiografico de Colegio de Santo Tomas, which also published the Breve Reseña a year later.About the TranslatorAzucena L, Pace began her work as a translator from Spanish to English and vice-versa after she resigned from the Philippine Embassy in Madrid, where she worked and lived for 18 years. During the first ten years when she was with the diplomatic corps, she carried out researches at the historical archives n Sevilla, Valladolid, and Madrid for, among others, the provincial government of Cebu about its towns. When she was recalled to Manila. she decided to leave the public service and stay in the Spanish capital. She them found a job as a translator in an office dealing with international conferences.Baby, as friends call her, is now based in her hometown of Barili, enjoying the life of a farmer. She is one of the founders and incorporators of the Barili Historical Society, Inc. and is the chair of the Santa Ana Shrine Heritage Committee. She also owns the Barili Folk and the Heritage Museum, which she established in1998. In 2011, she received the Cebuana Trailblazer Awards from then-Governor Gwendolyn F. Garcia.